• 0917-9324774
  • admin@hungernomore.ph


At Hunger No More Foundation, we deeply value the trust and generosity of our donors. Your contributions play a pivotal role in fueling our mission to alleviate hunger and deprivation in all its forms. We are committed to transparency and accountability in the utilization of funds, ensuring that each donation makes a meaningful impact.

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Here’s how your donations are used:

  1. Providing Food Assistance: A significant portion of donations goes towards providing immediate food aid to vulnerable individuals and families. We distribute essential food items to those facing acute hunger, ensuring they have access to nourishing meals.
  2. Education and Scholarships: Your contributions support educational initiatives, including scholarships for students in need. By investing in education, we empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to break free from the cycle of poverty.
  3. Healthcare and Medical Aid: Donations are used to organize medical outreach programs, offering free medical check-ups, treatments, and distribution of medical supplies to underserved communities.
  4. Financial Aid: We allocate funds to provide financial assistance to those struggling with tuition fees and other educational expenses. This helps deserving students pursue their dreams and access quality education.
  5. Community Development: Donations are invested in community development projects that address the root causes of hunger and deprivation. This includes sustainable agriculture, skill-building programs, and income-generating initiatives.
  6. Emergency Relief: In times of crises, your donations enable us to respond swiftly and provide emergency relief to communities affected by disasters or unforeseen circumstances.
  7. Environmental Initiatives: A portion of donations is allocated to our environmental projects aimed at promoting sustainable practices, conservation, and environmental awareness.

Overhead Costs: While we strive to minimize overhead costs, a small portion of donations may go towards administrative expenses to ensure efficient operations and program management.